PROJECT 5 (Option 2)
Occupy a space on campus for the entire section period
Can be interactive
Must have public art form approved prior to beginning project
Be aware of all legalities
Have a sense of occasion
Document your work (ask a friend!)
Exercise to get you thinking...​
Go to three places on campus: one highly trafficked, one with low activity, and a place of your choice.
Spend at least 30 mins there.
Turn off all distractions, music included.
Write down (and draw if you'd like) the following:
The layout of the space, consider the architecture and how it was designed. What/who is it designed for?
Who enters that space, write down specific observations about the humans and non-humans who enter.
How living things interact with that space.
In your observations, do you see living things change their behavior between the different locations?
How do you interact with the spaces and people around you?
How would this affect your idea for your personal space project?
Turn in your ideas/plans/drafts to our google drive!