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4 Panels...

Endless Possibilities!

Alright–we've got our story ideas, let's start thinking about what we can do with 4 panels...

Number one is thinking about Clarity...

How can you use the interplay of text and imagery to create new meaning?

How can your layout, panels, cutting, timing–influence your viewer's perception of the work?

How can you use line, shape, form, textures, or type to express different emotions, and characters?

Can you abandon written language all together?

Loïc Movellan

Protraying Perspective...

Let's get started on some thumbnails...

Remember our formula:

  1. The first panel forms the basis of the story; it sets the scene. You can consider this your 'establishing shot' where we learn the who, what, when, where...

  2. The second panel develops upon the foundation of the story laid down in the first panel.

  3. The third panel is the climax, in which an unforeseen development occurs.

  4. The fourth panel is the conclusion, in which the effects of the third panel are seen.

Saga # 1 - Establishing Shot

(Superman's Origin Story)

Grant Morrison / Dave McKean, Arkham Asylum

The Process...

Due by Next Week

  • Full-size pencil drawings for your comic to transfer to cresent board

  • 2nd Reading / Reading Response to Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics

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